Frame 1- The Title of the Film
In frame 1 a close up of our title "Intruder". We chose the name "Intruder" because it connotes the idea of danger, threat and someone who shouldn't be there. The idea behind this is that it should make the audience feel uneasy and unnerved. The title appears in one letter at a time until the full title appears. It comes into an empty black screen then disappears, this creates an eerie sense among the audience. This is very stereotypical among horror films as they aim to create creepy atmospheres to put the audience on edge and unnerve them.
In frame 1 a close up of our title "Intruder". We chose the name "Intruder" because it connotes the idea of danger, threat and someone who shouldn't be there. The idea behind this is that it should make the audience feel uneasy and unnerved. The title appears in one letter at a time until the full title appears. It comes into an empty black screen then disappears, this creates an eerie sense among the audience. This is very stereotypical among horror films as they aim to create creepy atmospheres to put the audience on edge and unnerve them.
Frame 2- Setting and Location
Frame 2 shows where our film is set. It is set in a stereotypical family home, the areas in which our film is set is the kitchen, the living room, the upstairs landing and at the bottom of the staircase. We decided to film it in a CCTV style as we felt this would make it more effective. This is most notably linked to another horror film which uses the CCTV style of filming, this film is "Paranormal Activity"
Frame 3- Costumes and Props
Frame 3 shows one of the props we chose to use for our film. The prop in the screen shot is our police file. Our props are used during the films opening as a way to incorporate the actors names into the film.
Frame 4- Camera Work and Editing
Frame 4 shows an over the shoulder style camera shot being used, we chose to use this style of filming during the conversations as it shows the characters point of view and gives another perspective on the conversation. This would be effective as it makes viewers feel like they are part of the film itself, creating a sense of immersion.
Frame 5- Title Font and Style
Frame 5 shows the style of font we used for our title "Intruder". We chose to keep it simple using large white block capitals as we felt this made it effective. This can emphasize it further due to the fact that it is placed on a black background. The white font contrasts the dark background which helps make it stand out amongst the audience and makes it the center of attention.
Frame 6- Story and How The Opening Sets its up
Frame 6 shows part of our opening title sequence. In the shot we see a picture of some police tape. This immediately tells the audience that some sort of crime incidence has happened. This was done to try and put them out of there comfort zones and make them feel uneasy and unsure as to what may happen. During our opening we toned down the brightness of these scenes to a darker colour so that it suited the dark theme of our film. This is related to typical horror films as most horrors are filmed in dark locations to immerse their viewers and make them easier to scare.
Frame 7- Genre and How The Opening Sets It Up
Our 7th frame goes back to our CCTV style of filming, but shows our actor George Marshall standing in the bottom left screen staring directly at the camera. This has a great effect on the audience as they would feel like they are watching him because of the CCTV effect, however since our actor is staring directly into the camera it could imply that hes the one watching the audience. This creates suspense among the viewers. Due to this it helps to establish itself as a horror themed film.
Frame 8- How Characters are Introduced
In our 8th frame we see a police witness report on a table with our actors name wrote on it. We decided to add in our actors names through the use of our props. By doing this it helps add a sense of realism to it.
Frame 9- Special Effects
Our 9th frame shows one of our films main themes which is the use of static, this was done using a transition called "Static". This is a recurring theme throughout our film and is seen a few other times during our film. Since our films footage is shot as if it were through the use of CCTV footage, the static makes seem as if someone or something could be interfering with it. This helps create suspense for the viewers as they will be unsure of what is happening. This links in with the horror genre as they usually play on the audiences fear of the unknown, so they are never quite sure of whats happening.
Good analysis of your own opening but you must relate all points made back to the conventions of real media texts. I.e. how stereotypical or not is yours compared to a real thriller/ horror
ReplyDeleteGood links now to other horror films and how yours compares